

The Fairphone 4 Camera Refresh: Before and After

We spent a day cruising through Amsterdam to get a good feel for the before and after of the Fairphone 4 camera upgrade IRL. As you can see, much fun was had. Check it out.

Spoiler alert: Photos are richer, sharper, and more true to life with better contrast, while videos are buttery smooth and ultra-high def, thanks to improved video stabilization and 4K capabilities.

«Incredibly happy with the update. Photos are quicker, crisper, better. It’s just like having a new phone – as everything else about the phone was already great. It makes a world of a difference.»

«How did you do it? I’m truly impressed!»

«Definitely a much faster reaction time when taking pictures. Thanks for this update. Another reason to keep my Faiphone 4 for years to come.»

This was some of the feedback we have been seeing online from Fairphone 4 users who have been blown away by the recent camera software update. It’s not just users. Even the media have been singing praises about the revolutionary update and our commitment to software and device longevity. Here are some quick news bytes.

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